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Confidential Print: Middle East 1839-1969

Publication coverage: 1839-1969

Confidential Print series issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices from c. 1839 to 1969, for countries of the Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Iraq, Turkey and many of the former Ottoman lands in Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Sudan.

Confidential Print: North America 1824-1961

Publication coverage: 1824 to 1961

Confidential Print series issued by the Foreign and Colonial Offices from c.1824 to 1961, for the USA, Canada, and the English speaking Caribbean with some coverage of Central and South America,

Congressional Research Service Reports

Publication coverage: 2016 - present

This database contains full-text reports produced by the Congressional Research Service, a division of the Library of Congress that provides nonpartisan research services and information support to congressional committees and Members of Congress. As of October 2018, CRSR contains about 1,000 reports.

Context of Scripture Online

Designed as a thorough and enduring reference work for all engaged in the study of the Bible and the ancient Near East, the Context of Scripture Online provides reliable access to a broad, balanced, and representative collection of Ancient Near Eastern texts that have an impact on the interpretation of the Bible.

Cooperative Africana Microform Project

Publication coverage: 18th century to present

The Cooperative Africana Microform Project (CAMP), founded in 1963, is a joint effort by research libraries throughout the world and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) to promote the preservation of publications and archives concerning the nearly fifty nations of Sub-Saharan Africa and to make these materials in microform available to researchers. Available via interlibrary loan.  

CostMine Online

CostMine Online (Mining Cost Service) is a web-based service and is considered the industry standard reference for Mining Cost Estimation. This database places cost estimating data with conveniently indexed information to make mining cost estimates faster, easier, and more credible. Monthly updates assure the most current cost data available. 3-user limit


Queen's University has an institutional license for Covidence. This web-based software platform streamlines the production of systematic reviews and other research reviews that require screening citations and full text, assessing risk of bias, or extracting study characteristics and outcomes. Please see More Info for sign-up instructions.

CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB)

Includes the complete CPA Canada Handbook and Professional Engagement Guide (PEG) on the Knotia platform.

CPS (formerly known as RxTx)

CPS (formerly known as RxTx) provides access to evidence-based, reliable Canadian drug and therapeutic information. Included are: access to best practices on common medical conditions, e-CPS, CPhA's Therapeutic Choices, Lexi -Comp's Lexi-Interact, information for patients, Health Canada Advisories, and more.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

For more than a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics has been a trusted source of reliable scientific data. It contains thousands of physical and chemical data tables which are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis

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