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Gale Historical Newspapers

Contains historical newspapers and periodicals from the 17th Century to 2003.

Gale Power Search

Publication coverage: 1980 - present

Searches Gale eBooks and OneFile databases, including Academic OneFile, CPI.Q, LegalTrac, InfoTrac Educators eCollection and other subject specialized databases.

Gale Primary Sources

Cross-search multiple Gale collections for monographs, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and other primary sources.

Gale Research Products

Lists all Gale research products to which Queen’s subscribes. Search by individual database or resource type, or use Cross Search to search across multiple resources.

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music

The Garland encyclopedia of world music online is an extensive resource devoted to music cultures of the world's peoples. It contains the full text of the nine-volume print encyclopedia focusing on specific continents and regions, and a tenth volume on general perspectives and references. Browse by places, cultural groups, subjects, instruments or genres.

Gartner Research

Publication coverage: 1995 - present

Gender Studies Database

Publication coverage: 1930 - present

Provides indexing and abstracts covering the full spectrum of gender-related scholarship. It offers over a million records from scholarly and popular publications, including journals, books, conference papers and theses. Essential subjects include gender inequality, masculinity, post-feminism and gender identity.


Publication coverage: 1974 - present

GEOBASE consists of the latest information on the earth sciences, ecology, geology, human and physical geography, and environmental sciences, focusing on, and highlighting, the human and social impacts on both.

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